YouTube adventurer Adam the Woo explores the Iverson Movie Ranch in Chatsworth, Calif.

Adam the Woo

A cool YouTube clip surfaced in the past few days, posted by a guy who goes by the Internet name Adam the Woo. Adam travels to interesting spots all over the place and puts up videos about his journeys. After he learned a little bit about the Iverson Movie Ranch — in part from reading this blog — he went to the site and shot some video.

Below is a video Adam posted May 31, 2015, in which he explores the Iverson Gorge and Garden of the Gods:

I think Adam did a nice job on this (and it doesn't hurt that he puts in a plug for the Iverson Movie Ranch Blog). He didn't get every detail exactly right (it's Tornado's Mine, not Zorro's Mine, for example), but who does? The Lower Iverson relics Adam spotlights here are well chosen, and the video is quite watchable.

The Lone Ranger, Tonto and Silver

If you're an "advanced" reader of this blog, you may find the next clip's 10 minutes of material on Lone Ranger Rock a little too "entry-level." But if you love the Lone Ranger and Lone Ranger Rock, Adam does capture the awesomeness of seeing it "live" for the first time. This one went up May 30, one day before the above video:

Congratulations on your discovery of Iverson, Adam, and nice job on the videos. And thanks for the shout-out and for sending a few new blog readers in this direction.

Readers can find more Adam the Woo stuff here, or check out his daily YouTube posts here.

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